Tutorial: Lava Bases

I've been asked about this a lot, so here goes. As the title implies this is a basic tutorial on how I make the lava bases on my Khorne daemons.

First up cut a piece of cork (I got mine by tearing apart a cheap corkboard from Wilko) to the appropriate size for your base.Then build a second layer on top to represent the higher "rock" formations. Use PVA to glue the parts together and make sure to give all of the cork a solid coat of PVA to prevent the cork from soaking up paint

Once dry, prime. In this case I used the Games Workshop's Imperial primer.

Next up a dry brush of grey. Making the rock formations look, well more rocky I suppose.

Now we start on the lava. I start with a solid coat of Khorne Red across the lower areas surrounding the rocks

Next up is Fire Dragon Bright. Moving away from the rocks build up a areas that would be "Hotter", so image that the lava is running where the rocks come up there would be less depth to the lava so the lava would be cooling and starting to set.

Moving further from the rock formations again a thin line of Yriel yellow

Finally a thin line/ dots of white scar white, these are the hottest parts of the lava.

The final step to this is to pull the colours together. I did this with a thin coat of Carroburg Crimson, followed with a thin coat of Lamenters Yellow. After this just spot in a bit of white and the job's a good'un.

The example above is for a 60mm base, you'd think a 32mm base would be more limited in scope and would end up looking pretty samey, but depending on how you place your cork originally, you can get a great variety of bases whilst still retaining a cohesive 'style' for the whole army.

See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict!
