The Eighteen.

I've always wanted to own a Marine painted in each Chapters colours, with time to think about it, I have decided to cut it down to the 40,000 version of each Legion.

With this in mind (and a lower model count) I decided the way to go was with a Marine that exemplified what each legion has become. So in order (based on legion number)

1- Dark Angels:   +++UNKNOWN+++


3- Emperors Children: Noise Marine with Sonic weapon

4- Iron Warriors: Masters of siege craft, so a Terminator Armed with a Combi Melta and Chainfist seems right.

5- White Scars: Born in the saddle, what else other than a biker?

6- Space Wolves: Brutal and wild, I feel the Geigor Fell Handed model screams 'SPACE WOLVES'.

7- Imperial Fists: Known for Siege warfare, but also place a high value on Marksmanship, and Swordsmanship. So a Marine with Bolter and Chain sword seems fitting.

8- Nightlords: Known for hit and run raids, sowing fear and confusion. What better than a Warp Talon.

9- Blood Angels: Shock troops, often portrayed as descending on fiery wings of death. An assault Marine seems like the obvious choice.

10- Iron Hands: Known for replacing as much of there bodies with cybernetic parts, and the motto "The flesh is weak". I know I need cybernetic parts, and with there close relationship with the Tech Priests of Mars, I need to show that so maybe a servo arm.


12- World Eaters: After falling o the worship of Khorne during the Horus Heresy, what else but a Berzerker?
13- Ultramarine: Now reunited with there Primarch Who has brought about massive changes to the Chapter including the new Primaris Marines, what better way to show the changing face of the legion than with a Primaris Marine?

14- Death Guard: Slowly corrupted by the influence of Nurgle, mutating and becoming almost unrecognisable. The Death Guard now known for there Plague Marines.

15- Thousand Sons: There premier Chaos Sorcerers, what else than a Sorcerer show what the legion embodies?

16- Sons of Horus/Black Legion: I'm not sure what single model displays the core of what this legion stands for now. Any ideas?

17- Word Bearers: The first legion to fall to Chaos, not following one god but the multitude known as the 'Octed', fanatically converting and leading worship of Chaos as a whole. A Dark Apostle seems fitting.

18- Salamanders: Followers of the Promethean Cult of there home world, believing in the purifing nature of fire. A marine with heavy flamer seems to fir the bill.

19- Raven Guard: Using stealth tactics, to pin point exactly where to strike against the enemy, this Chapter is known to be masters of striking from the shadows. I have a bit of internal debate about what best displays this chapter, between a Scout in camo cloak, or a Assault Marine with lightning claws, what do you think?

20- Alpha Legion: This one is a hard choice, the Alpha Legion is known for seeding cults across thousands of worlds, so I am tempted to paint a cultist, but on the flip side that is not a marine. What would you do?
See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict!
