No plan survives contact with a new box set.....

So the plan was that I would concentrate on the things mentioned in my first post...

Well that didn't happen. In comes Spire of Dawn, which doesn't change the plan per se, but definitely a new box to add to the collection.

So this new box came out and I really wanted the Skaven side of the box, so one of my friends (Ian over at Krak Addict) and I were chatting and he suggested we split the box. Skaven for me and the High Elves (Erm sorry I mean Aelf) for him. So now I have this ready to add to my expanding Chaos Age of Sigmar Army.

So a run down of the box (Skaven half):

1 Skaven Warlord

1 Warlock Engineer

1 Packmaster

40 Clan Rats

2 Rat Ogors

1 Poisoned Wind Mortar Team

1 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team

Included are both round bases for AoS and square bases for WHFB

So here is a picture of all the sprues:

As you can see from the pics all the Skaven and Aelfs are mixed together, but no big problem to sort out!

After a day's worth of building here are the built models:

Warlord. This model felt a bit small on the 28mm base provided, so has been moved on to a 32mm base.


Pack Master

Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team

Poisoned Wind Mortar Team

Rat Ogors

Clan Rats with spears

Clan Rats with hand weapons

Next up is the paint scheme, not sure what I want to do with this yet. I am considering mixing up the colours of fur from blacks though greys and in to whites, a few brown and even some spotted ones! Then using washed out blues for the cloth and an Iron Breaker for armour plates with a wash of Nuln Oil over that. Anyone got any ideas? Suggestions welcome as always!

Also I found out that there is a March to War 2017 event happening this year in my local store. Basically its a challenge to build and paint 2017 points worth of models (Does not have to be one consistent force, it has just got to total up to 2017 points). So I decided to join in with that, so my Prospero box and these guys take me pretty close to what I need, just to build and paint them now.

See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict.


  1. I love the fang washed out with Agrax fo dirty blue clothes!

    1. Sounds like a way to go, will try it out once everything is primed. Tanks for the suggestion!

  2. Have you thought how you are going to complete the warpstone for the units?
    Have seen a quite interesting ice warpstone effect of ceramite white base, lightly washed with drakenhof nightshade all over, let it dry then druchii violent in the deepest recesses, edges and tips redone with glazes of ceramite white

    1. I hadn't thought about the warpstone at all. Thanks for reminding me! This sounds like a very interesting way of painting Warpstone, I shall be trying this out I think!


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