So today something different!

So most of my posts to this blog have talked about 2 armies that I am working on from Games Workshop, either my Imperial Fists from 30k or Chaos from Age Of Sigmar. So today I thought I would talk about other armies, and other systems that I have played/dabbled in/or own minis from....

So I'll start with other Games Workshop products, currently I have a Tau army that is nowhere near painted, but mostly built. These guys have been languishing unpainted mainly because I can't settle on a paint scheme. They have variously been "Peppermint Tau" with a icey blue and white combo (abandoned after I realised that white is a pain in the arse to paint, but this is possibly being resurrected with the airbrush), "Limeys" that were bright green panels with grey fatigues (abandoned after the green started to burn the eyes) and "Lemon Trees" that had a deeper green, with BRIGHT yellow highlights (abandoned mainly because I don't like it). So I'm currently considering blue/green colour for fatigues and a red/orange for the armour panels, or the aforementioned "Peppermint Tau".

Also from Games Workshop I have a largish Lizardmen army from Fantasy (Rather than Age Of Sigmar, I know, I know I can use them in AoS as well, but it was built for fantasy). These guys are a lovely deep purple with blue scales and green and orange highlights. There slowly being swapped over to round bases.

My 40k space marine chapter who look suspiciously like pre heresy Death Guard. Painted in bone washed with a sepia, and given a murky green highlight colour. This is the first 40k army I have managed to "finish".

Finally on the Games Workshop front there are the Orks, these guys while not technically mine are in the house and some have been painted by me, so i'm including them. I'm really happy with how they have come out, and to be honest I use them as a break from what ever else I am painting.

Next game up is Malifaux, I love the lore built around this game system, unfortunately I have played very few games (Hopefully going to change that this year) I have one gang, Seamus' Crew, that included at the time Seamus, 3 Rotten Belles and Madame Sybelle. I'm hoping to pick up the Lady Justice box set soon and start playing. I enjoyed the few games I played, I've been lead to believe that there is a second edition out now, so looking to read the rules soon.

Now to the future.......

Well in my future I hope to see more Games Workshop armies, looking at an Eldar army, possibly in a Il-Kaithe colour scheme (I like the lighter green with pink accents), expanding my AoS chaos army so that it has a selection of all of the chaos factions available, and i'm toying with the idea of Dark Elves to be my 9th age/8th edition army.

Outside of Games Workshop I'm looking at the X wing game from Fantasy Flight, the models come pre-painted, but can easily be repainted if I choose to do so.

So thats everything I can think of off the top of my head that has a set of models.

 Over the years I have played D&D 3.5, skipped 4th edition, and I'm looking to start playing with the newer 5th edition rule set. Played a short campaign of the Dark Heresy RPG from Fantasy Flight, was fun to play, but had problems getting the group together. 

Any games you guys have played that I've not touched on? Love to hear from you about your experiences with different systems.

See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict.
