Armies on Parade: The plan!

So a few of you might remember my first post from this blog, at the beginning of the year., I talked about my long term plan for this years Armies on Parade. Today I want to talk further about what that plan is. So to quote Private Baldrick: I have a plan, sir!

So as a few of you may remember I planned to paint and display a Daemons Army, with a mix of Nurgle and Khorne daemons. I have been thinking long and hard about this and decided that the mix of bases on the one board might end up looking a bit naff, so a change to just Khorne Daemons was settled upon after looking at the basing methods of each army and realising that I could far more easily replicate it on a larger scale (see last week's Tutorial).

So the plan, well I suppose models first:

  1. Daemon Prince (Painted)
  2. Three regiments of Bloodletters (One painted so far)
  3. Two squads of Blood Crushers
  4. A Herald on a Blood Throne 
  5. A Skull Cannon of Khorne
  6. My planned converted Bloodthirster (more on this later)
So those of you keeping count will see that I already have a Daemon Prince and a regiment of Blood Letters. The majority of the my army will be built from two Start Collecting! Daemons of Khorne boxes. 

The final piece of the army, my centrepiece will be my converted Bloodthirster. My plan revolves around the use of the Ghorgon as the base of the model replacing the upper arms with the wings from the Zombie Dragon (this is the best choice I have come up with so far, feel free to chime in with any other suggestions from the Games Workshop range). I am planning to use the rest of the Zombie Dragon model to convert to a Great Unclean One. Finally for its weapon I am trying to decide between the axe from the Khorne Lord of Skulls, or just trying to get the axe and whip from the current Games Workshop Blood Thirster kit.

So that's the army that will be on parade this year. As you might have guessed by now, the majority of the board will be made up to look like a lava field. This should be fairly straightforward, following the lava base tutorial but on a larger scale. I also hope to add features to the board with large skulls, cast from molds I'm currently trying to work out how to make. I'm also considering building a pool from plasticard and foam board that will be filled with 'blood'.

I'll give you an update soon with the start of the board, a decision of the weapons for the Bloodthirster, and maybe my first attempt or two at skulls.

So that's it for this week! See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict!
