Geigor Fell-Hand

So I've painted up Geigor Fell-Hand from the Burning Of Prospero box.

I hadn't planned on doing a post about this model so sadly there's no work in progress shots.

So instead I'm going to do a quick walk through of how I painted my Geigor:

  1. Primed in black with my airbrush.
  2. Coat of Fenrisian Grey
  3. Washed with Drakenhof Nightshade
  4. Blade, Lightning Claw, gems and chains painted in Stormhost Silver
  5. Embossed edges painted with Ironbreaker
  6. Skin painted in Kislev Flesh
  7. Skin washed in Agrax Earthshade
  8. Hair painted with Stormvermin Fur
  9. Hair washed with Nuln Oil
  10. Hair Dry brushed with Administratum Grey
  11. Hair tips dry brushed with White Scar
  12. Fur painted in Balor Brown
  13. Fur washed twice with Agrax Earthshade
  14. Gems painted in Spiritstone Red
  15. Combat Blade and Lightning Claw glazed with Guilliman Blue
  16. Bone work painted in Ushabti Bone
  17. Bone work washed with Agrax Earthshade
  18. Legion and squad markings painted in Khorne Red
Next up is the base, it started life as a standard 32mm base as supplied with Geigor, I added the "Dead Marine" from the Ahriman model, cutting away the Space Wolf gem from the chest. I then primed the base, and painted the marine in Leadbelcher and dry brushed over that with Stormhost Silver. Once this dried I painted over 2 coats of the Spiritstone Red, getting a nice metallic red effect.painted in the detail on the marines face plate and shoulder pad with Liberator Gold and washed that down with Agrax Earthshade. Finally for the base I covered the base with Mourn Mountain Snow one of Games Workshops older Texture paints that is saddly no longer available.

I have really enjoyed painting this mini, feeling little pressure while painting. I feel like just model has shown my growth as a painter over the last few years and showcases this well.

Hope you've enjoyed reading this!

See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict!
