Start Collecting! Daemons of Khorne

Well this week has seen the anniversary of my birth! So this week I treated myself to the first of two Start Collecting box sets that I need for armies on parade.

In the box is a squad of ten Bloodletters, three Bloodcrushers, and a Herald on Blood Throne/Khorne Skull Cannon. Also included is a War Scroll for a battalion that allows the box set to be taken all together and grants the ability for one squad to pile in and attack during the hero phase.

I started by building the Bloodcrushers

Then the Skull Cannon.

Once the Bloodletters are built I will have a solid start for my Armies On Parade board.

I've already pre-made the lava bases for the Bloodcrushers and Skull Cannon, so I can paint the model separately from the base and put them together at the end.

I also ordered a big surprise which I'm looking forward to showing you in a few weeks' time.

See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict!
