Warhammer World, Again?!?

This week I made another trip down to WHW in Nottingham!

For this trip I was lucky enough to be traveling with my Housemate Chris (check out some of his minis here), Mike (from Brush and Boltgun) and Ian (of Krakaddict).

We managed to play two games on the day my first was against Chris with his Nurgle Chaos Marines. in this game I was thoroughly destroyed by his Spartan carrying 20 Pox Walkers, Typhus and the Noxious Blightbringer, comboed with 2 Greater Blight Drones, a Foetid Bloat Drone, and two squads of Plague Marines. My second game I played against Mike with his Astra Miliwhatnots (dammed it it's still the Guard!). This game played out to a draw on objectives.

For my part I took my Space Marine army with an allied Assassin, my list look like this:

1- Captain with Power Sword and Storm Shield

1- Techmarine with Conversion Beamer, Combi-Grav, and Power Axe

1- Apothecary

1- Contemptor Dreadnought with Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon and Assault Cannon

1- 10 Man Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon, Plasma Pistol and Chainsword

1- 10 Man Tactical Squad with Grav Gun, Grav Cannon, Grav Pistol and Chainsword

1- 10 Man Tactical Squad with Flamer, Heavy Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Chainsword

1- 10 Man Tactical Squad with Meltagun, Multi Melta, Combi Melta and Power Fist

2- 5 Man Devastator Squads both with 2 Missile Launchers and 2 Lascannons and a sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword

1- Deimos Pattern Laser Destroyer

1- Relic Sicaran with Heavy Bolter sponsons

1- Vindicare Assassin

This worked out at 100 Power Points or 1992 points.

So that's it for this week! See you next time from the table of a Plastic Addict!
