A new edition, with a restart to the blog posts (I hope!).

So with 9th edition of Warhammer 40k just round the corner (at the time of release a mere 7 days away!) I thought this might be a good time to start blogging again. This time I hope not to let it fall by the wayside.

I thought it would be cool to start with a bit of a show case of models I've painted over the last few months.

Starting with my Adeptus Mechanicus force, as thats what I have mainly been working on. So far I have built, and have in various stages of paint:

2 Tech Priest Dominus -
One with Volkite blaster and Phosphor serpenta (built and fully painted)
One with Eradication ray and Macro stubber (built and part painted)

1 Tech Priest Maniplus (built and fully painted)

1 Tech Priest Enginseer (built and fully painted)

20 Skitarii Vanguard (built and part painted)

10 Skitarii Rangers (built and part painted)

2 Onager Dunecrawler (both built and magnatized for the various weapons options, and one fully painted)

Still on sprue there's another Onager Dunecrawler to be built, 20 more Skitarii (10 of these are going to be Rangers, I'm unsure about the other 10), and a Skorpious Dune Rider/Disintergrator (that I plan to magnetize so I can use it either as the tank or transport). Long term I plan to pick up another 2 of the new Start Collecting! Adeptus Mechanicus, some Kataphron Destroyers, and some Serberys Raiders. Hoping to make the 20 Skitarii from the 2 Start Collecting boxes, in to 10 Hoplites and 10 Peltasts from Forge World as I think they look pretty cool.

Tangentially to my Adeptus Mechanicus I have done some more work to my Imperial Knights; I added some cream to the shoulder pads, and I am making some custom transfers to finish them off completly. For my Knights in the long term (I've started saving by buying £10 vouchers each week from my local Warhammer store) I hope to add 2 Armiger Moirax with Volkite Veuglaire and Gyges Siege Claw, and a Knight Styrix to round them out.

My chosen embelem for my Knights, this will be on the Knights left shoulder, while the right will be covered in cogs.

I've also worked on a Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnought armed with Multi Melta, and Dreadnought close combat weapon (plastic kit from GW). The imperial fists will be getting a new painting guide, as I am now using one of the contrast paints to help me out. Also the new new box set is going to bolster my primaris marines.

One final thing that I have not technically started working on, but have a "plan" to build up a Inquistion force, I already have Greyfax and Eisenhorn. Want to add Inquistor Rex from forge world, and then build up a number of "henchmen" from a mix of kits including (but not limited to) Tempestus Scions, Cowdor gangers, Crusaders, and any thing else that catches my eye! I'm really looking forward to this as it means I can go wild, and it gives me a opportunity to use my Christmas White Dwarf; I plan to use him as a Jakero Weaponsmith as I'm not a massive fan of the GW model.

Picture from the Warhammer Community page.

Before lockdown, I had decided to make a start in the world of Necromunda. As some of you may know I recived a box of the Delaque gang for a Christmas gift a while back, so I've added a second box and the resin upgrade pack from Forge World. I plan on doing a full blog post on these guys in the next few weeks. So that's something to look forward to!

Final thing for this week, I wanted to talk about how well I had been doing on my new years resolution. As some of you know, and some of you won't, one of my New Years resolutions this year was to play some sort of minitures game at least once a month and I was doing so well until, well I'm sure you know whats happening in the world. I had played, 40k, Warcry, Necromunda, Age of Sigmar, and even a game of Kill Team! I'm looking forward to starting to play again in the future, and there might even be a battle report coming in the next few weeks using the new 40k rule set!

See you all next time from the Table of a Plastic Addict!
