
The Eighteen.

Back to the Fists

Its been a while....

Getting on with the colours!

Black and White


Primaris Lieutenant

Warhammer World, Again?!?

Hobby Tools

Incoming, Reinforcements!

This week in the life of a Plastic Addict.....

Primaris Marines

Cork, all the cork!

A new day, a new edition of Warhammer 40k.

A week in the life of a Plastic Addict!

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land... of Warhammer World [LOTS of pics]

A new starter box

Grombrindal the White Dwarf

Start Collecting! Daemons of Khorne

The New Starter Box

Well, whats happening?

Armies on Parade: The plan!

Tutorial: Lava Bases

Geigor Fell-Hand

Terrain, what is it?


Hobby, what is it?

Basing and the importance of.......

A slower week than last

This week in the the life of a Plastic Addict

So Christmas happened recently......

So today something different!

Imperial Fists Painting

IT'S THE END OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1

The Case of the Vanishing Bagpiper

No plan survives contact with a new box set.....

Imperial Fists

A Beginning